Anaylse pètrographique et origine de l'outillage de pierre polie du gisement de Leucate (Aude)
Leucate-Corrège : habitat noyé du Néolithique cardial, Jean Guilaine … [et al • Toulouse • Published In 1984 • Pages: 73-77
By: Ricq-de Bouard, Monique.
Using the petrologic analysis of polished stone artifacts from the Ile Corrège site, Ricq-de Bouard determines the source of the rock material. He identifies five types of rock used to make the artifacts. He is certain about the local origin of three of the five types and uncertain about the source of one. The fifth type comes from the Alps, which suggests the possibility of transportation by boat.
- HRAF PubDate
- 2000
- Region
- Europe
- Sub Region
- General Europe
- Document Type
- essay
- Evaluation
- Creator Type
- Technical Personnel
- Document Rating
- 5: Excellent Primary Data
- Analyst
- Ian Skoggard ; 1999
- Field Date
- 1972
- Coverage Date
- 7000 - 6000 BP (5000 - 4000 BC)
- Coverage Place
- Leucate, Aude, France
- Notes
- par Monique Ricq-de Bouard
- Includes bibliographical references (p. 77)
- 85149901
- Europe--Antiquities