book chapter

Graveyard and Koggiung phases

Archaeology on the Alaska Peninsula: the Naknek Region, 1960-1975 (21) • Published In 1981 • Pages: i-iv, xii, 62, 86-92, 93-102, 235-243, 246-247

By: Dumond, Don E..

Only the portions of this monograph that discussed the Late Tundra Period (known as the Koggiung phase) are included here. The rest of the monograph is not included. Readers interested in learning more about the Naknek region or about how the Koggiung phase relates to the archaeology of the region should obtain a copy of the complete monograph, 'Archaeology on the Alaska Peninsula: The Naknek Region, 1960-1975,' by Don E. Dumond (1981). Dumond describes the archaeology research done at 49Nak18 (Graveyard Point). Late Tundra or Koggiung phase blade-core artifacts were found in a lower component mostly in the southern section of the site. Found were blades, blade cores, flakes, flake scrapers, a sidescraper, a point or knife tip, and four features of charcoal, thought to have been campfires. Burin facets appear on about one third of the used blades.
Organization and analysis of results of research
Post depositional processes in archaeological sites
Lithic industries
General tools
Cultural stratigraphy
Late Tundra
HRAF PubDate
North America
Sub Region
Arctic and Subarctic
Document Type
book chapter
Creator Type
Document Rating
4: Excellent Secondary Data
5: Excellent Primary Data
Sarah Berry ; 2001
Field Date
Coverage Date
7945±90 BP-7525±60 BP (5945±90 B.C.-5525±60 B.C.)
Coverage Place
Koggiung phase; 49Nak18 (Graveyard Point), Alaska Peninsula, Alaska, United States
by Don E. Dumond
Includes bibliographical references (p. 235-243)
Only pages: i-iv, xii, 62, 86-92, 103-110, 235-243, 246-247 were processed.
Only those portions of this monograph that pertain to the Late Tundra Period are included here. The reader interested in further information on the archaeology of the Naknek region will need to obtain the complete monograph, 'Archaeology on the Alaska Peninsula: The Naknek Region, 1960-1975,' by Don E. Dumond.