Points, people and prehistory: a preliminary synthesis of culture history in north central British Columbia
problems in the prehistory of the north american subarctic : the athapaskan question • Calgary • Published In 1977 • Pages: 90-96
By: Helmer, J. W..
Helmer criticizes other archaeological work in the north-central interior of British Columbia. He points out that archaeologists have ignored data that would indicate microblade technology continues until relatively recently. Instead, archaeologists have cross-dated sites within different environmental zones and across large distances using artifact types with unspecified similarities as evidence to support the antiquity of cultural development at their respective sites. Helmer looks at point syles and finds the spread of the Athapaskan-speaking Carrier and Chilcotin into the Interior Plateau is probably a relatively recent phenomenon. He believes their cultural affinities are to the north, not the south. He finds the origins of the southern microblade complex to be presently unexplainable.
- Region
- North America
- Sub Region
- Arctic and Subarctic
- Document Type
- essay
- Evaluation
- Creator Type
- Archaeologist
- Document Rating
- 4: Excellent Secondary Data
- Notes
- James W. Helmer
- For bibliographical references see 39: References cited
- 80494866
- Athapaskan Indians--Antiquities