book chapter

Archaic period research in the lower Little Tennessee River Valley, 1975: Icehouse Bottom, Harrison Branch, Thirty Acre Island, Calloway Island

The Tennessee Valley Authority (18) • Published In 1977 • Pages: i-xii, 1-192

By: Chapman, Jefferson, Cridlebauth, Patricia, Foley, Lucy, Kimball, Larry, United States. National Park Service, Tennessee Valley Authority.

The 1975 excavations were conducted to locate and to test for buried Archaic sites on certain alluvial bottoms within the proposed Tellico Reservoir. '…[T]he report is essentially descriptive with limited discussion of the artifact categories and the sites as a whole….[M]any definitions of the artifact categories are preliminary….[S]ome analytical aspects of the 1975 investigations are incomplete.' (page ii).The report focuses on investigations at Icehouse Bottom, the Harrison Branch site, and the Patrick site.
Organization and analysis of results of research
Archaeological excavation methods
Lithic industries
General tools
Chronologies and culture sequences
Cultural stratigraphy
Typologies and classifications
Eastern Early Archaic
HRAF PubDate
North America
Sub Region
Eastern Woodlands
Document Type
book chapter
Creator Type
Document Rating
4: Excellent Secondary Data
5: Excellent Primary Data
Sarah Berry ; 2005
Field Date
1970-1971 and 1975-1977
Coverage Date
Early Archaic; 9500 BP- 8100 BP (7500 B.C.- 6100 B.C.)
Coverage Place
lower Little Tennessee River valley, Tennessee, United States
by Jefferson Chapman ; with contributions by Patricia Cridlebaugh, Lucy Foley, Larry Kimball
Supt. Of Docs. No.: Y 3.T 25:2 Ar 2
Submitted in accordance with National Park Service Contracts 5000-5-0214, 5000-6-0316
Includes bibliographical references (p. 172-178)
Excavations (Archaeology) Little Tennessee River Valley (Ga.-Tenn.)/Little Tennessee River Valley (Ga.-Tenn.) Antiquities