Classic to Postclassic: a summary discussion
late lowland maya civilization : classic to postclassic • Albuquerque • Published In 1986 • Pages: 433-456
By: Andrews, E. Wyllys (Edward Wyllys), Sabloff, Jeremy A..
Andrews and Sabloff summarize the chapters in their edited book (eHRAF documents numbered 30-41). '[They] believe that the principal thrust of the papers in this volume…is a reorientation of our view of ancient Maya civilization away from the traditional perception of the time from the Late Classic until the Spanish conquest,' (page 433) and they present the diverse opinions of the book's authors pointing out the complexity of Maya civilization during the Postclassic. Much of this document is spent discussing the 'relationship of Chichen Itza to other Terminal Classic and Early Postclassic sites,' in the Maya Lowlands (page 434). A concomitant problem is one of dating and whether to accept a correlation of the Maya and Christian calendars at or Andrews and Sabloff also argue that there was a significant change in Maya civilization after the fall of Chichen Itza and they see a break from the cultural tradition of the Classic Period with the rise of Mayapan and other late sites.
- HRAF PubDate
- 2001
- Region
- Middle America and the Caribbean
- Sub Region
- Maya Area
- Document Type
- essay
- Evaluation
- Creator Type
- Archaeologist
- Document Rating
- 4: Excellent Secondary Data
- Analyst
- Sarah Berry ; 2000
- Field Date
- no date
- Coverage Date
- Terminal Classic through Postclassic Periods
- Coverage Place
- Maya Lowlands; Belize, Guatemala, and Mexico
- Notes
- Jeremy A. Sabloff ; E. Wyllys Andrews V
- For bibliographical references see document number 6:Anonymous
- 85016513
- Mayas--Antiquities