Eastern Late Woodland

North Americaprimarily hunter-gatherers

Publication Date
Benn, David W.Hadfields Cave1980
Burns, James A.Description of the vertebrate faunal material from the McCluskey site (DbJm-2)1974
Christiansen, GeorgeTradition summary2005
Dawson, K. C. A. (Kenneth C. A.)The McClusky site1974
Hamilton, Scott1979 excavations at the Stott site (DlMa-1)1981
Hurley, William MichaelAn analysis of effigy mound complexes in Wisconsin1975
Mallam, R. ClarkThe Iowa Effigy Mound manifestation1976
Mason, Ronald J.Farmers without plows, warriors without swords1981
Meinholz, Norman M.The Statz site (47 Da-642)1997
Tisdale, Mary AnnInvestigations at the Stott Site1978
Zalucha, L. AnthonyPaleoethnobotanical analysis of the Statz Site1997