West African Regional Development

Africaother subsistence combinations

Publication Date
Arigbede, S. O.Anthropometric observations on human skeletal remains1975
Bohrer, Stanley P.Radiological examination of the human bones from the Clerks' Quarters site, Cutting II, Feature 211975
Brooks, George E.Landlords and strangers1993
Connah, GrahamThe archaeology of Benin1975
Connah, GrahamBrilliance beneath the trees1987
Connah, GrahamRadiocarbon dates1975
Daniels, S. G. H.Difference analysis of Benin assemblages on the basis of pottery content1975
DeCorse, Christopher R.Tradition summary2023
Freeth, Samuel J.Geological report on the rock samples1975
Greeves, M.Identification of fibres and weaves in cloth fragments from Feature 21 in Cutting II on the Clerks' Quarters site1975
Happold, D. C. D.Identification of animal bones1975
Insoll, TimothyThe archaeology of Islam in Sub-Saharan Africa1996
Insoll, TimothyIron Age Gao1997
McMillan, Nora F. (Nora Fisher)Report on cowry shells1975
Ogundiran, AkinwumiFour millennia of cultural history in Nigeria (ca. 2000 B.C. - A.D. 1900)2005
Phillipson, D. W.The second millennium AD in sub-Saharan Africa2005
Posnansky, MerrickThe origins of West African trade1971
Redhead, J. F.Report on wood and charcoal specimens1975
Rees, A. R. (Alun Rocyn)A wall and ditch system north of Benin City1975
Ryder, A. F. C. (Alan Frederick Charles)Historical implications1975
Shaw, ThurstanAnalysis of 'bronzes' from Benin1975
Taylor, D. A. H.Identification of samples of tree resin1975
Tylecote, R. F.Metallurgical report on iron slag and other samples1975