Central Mexico Postclassic

Middle America and the Caribbeanintensive agriculturalists

Publication Date
Abrams, Elliot MarcInvestigation of an obsidian midden at Cihuatecpan, Mexico1988
Berdan, FrancesThe Aztecs of Central Mexico1982
Bugé, David E.Appendix A1987
Calnek, Edward E.Settlement patterns and chinampa agriculture at Tenochtitlan1972
Calnek, Edward E.The internal structure of Tenochtitlan1976
Cobean, Robert H.The Late Classic and Early Postclassic chronology of the Tula Region1989
Cyphers, AnnCultural identity and interregional interaction during the Gobernador phase2000
Cyphers, AnnCeramics of western Morelos2000
Diehl, Richard A.Tula1983
Diehl, Richard A.The physical setting1989
Diehl, Richard A.Previous investigations at Tula1989
Diehl, Richard A.Overview of the University of Missouri Tula archaeological project1989
Evans, Susan TobyCihuatecpan1988
Evans, Susan TobyArchaeology at the Aztec period village of Cihuatecpan, Mexico1988
Evans, Susan TobyAfterword1988
Evans, Susan TobyBibliography1988
Healan, Dan M.Tula, Tollan, and the Toltecs in Mesoamerican prehistory1989
Healan, Dan M.Field methods1989
Healan, Dan M.Synopsis of structural remains in the canal locality1989
Healan, Dan M.Stratigraphy of the Canal Locality1989
Healan, Dan M.The Central Group and West Group1989
Healan, Dan M.Synthesis of Prehispanic occupation of Canal Locality1989
Healan, Dan M.Surface survey of the Tula urban zone1989
Healan, Dan M.Synthesis and conclusions1989
Healan, Dan M.Appendix II1989
Healan, Dan M.Bibliography1989
Healan, Dan M.MAPS Appendix III1989
Heath-Smith, CynthiaAnalysis of faunal material recovered from Xochicalco2000
Hirth, KennAncient urbanism at Xochicalco2000
Hirth, KennBibliography2000
Hirth, KennThe Xochicalco Mapping Project2000
Hirth, KennFlaked-stone obsidian tools and their behavioral implications2000
Hirth, KennGround-stone tools and their behavioral implications2000
Hirth, KennThe Xochicalco architectural atlas2000
Hirth, KennAppendix A2000
Hirth, KennAppendix C2000
Lentz, David LewisPaleobotanical remains from western Morelos2000
Mandeville, Margaret D.Architectural remains in El Corral Locality1989
McCoy, Bruce GregoryPreliminary description of flotation sample materials from Cihuatecpan, Mexico1988
Nichols, Deborah L.Tradition summary2010
Norr, LynetteThe excavation of a Postclassic house at Tetla1987
Norr, LynetteAppendix I1987
Smith, Michael ErnestThe Aztecs1997
Smith, Michael ErnestExcavations of Aztec urban houses at Yautepec, Mexico1999
Smith, Michael ErnestPostclassic developments at Xochicalco2000
Smith, VirginiaA Catalogue of carved monuments and a guide to the visual characteristics of Xochicalco's art style2000
Smith, VirginiaThe iconography of power at Xochicalco2000
Smith, VirginiaThe art and iconography of the Xochicalco stele2000
Smith, VirginiaAppendix B2000
Stocker, Terrance LynnThe East Group and nearby remains1989