
South Americaother subsistence combinations

Publication Date
Alva Meneses, Nestor IgnacioSpiders and spider decapitators in Moche iconography2008
Alva, WalterRoyal tombs of Sipán1993
Arsenault, DanielTradition Summary2015
Bawden, GarthGalindo2010
Benson, Elizabeth P.Iconography meets archaeology2008
Bourget, SteveThe third man2008
Chapdelaine, ClaudeMoche art style in the Santa Valley2008
Cordy-Collins, AlanaForensic iconography2008
Cordy-Collins, AlanaThe offering room group1997
Donnan, Christopher B.Moche masking traditions2008
Donnan, Christopher B.Moche forms for shaping sheet metal2008
Donnan, Christopher B.Moche burials at Pacatnamu1997
Donnan, Christopher B.Moche textiles from Pacatnamu1997
Donnan, Christopher B.A Moche cane coffin from Pacatnamu1997
Donnan, Christopher B.Bibliography1997
Gumerman, George, IVBotanical offerings in Moche burials at Pacatnamu1997
Hocquenghem, Anne-MarieSacrifices and ceremonial calendars in societies of the central Andes2008
Lechtman, HeatherCopper artifacts from Moche burials at Pacatnamu1997
McClelland, DonnaUlluchu2008
McClelland, DonnaMoche fineline ceramics at Pacatnamu1997
Millaire, Jean-FrançoisMoche textile production on the Peruvian north coast2008
Moseley, Michael EdwardConvergent catastrophe and the demise of Dos Cabezas2008
Quilter, JeffreyArt and Moche martial arts2008
Shimada, IzumiPampa Grande and the Mochica culture1994
Shimada, IzumiHorizontal and vertical dimensions of prehistoric states in north Peru1987
Shimada, IzumiThe Moche people2008
Uceda, SantiagoThe priests of the Bicephalus Arc2008
Verano, John W.Communality and diversity in Moche human sacrifice2008
Verano, John W.Physical characteristics and skeletal biology of the Moche population at Pacatnamu1997