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Arsenault, Daniel | Tradition Summary | 2015 |
Bawden, Garth | Galindo | 2010 |
Benson, Elizabeth P. | Iconography meets archaeology | 2008 |
Bourget, Steve | The third man | 2008 |
Chapdelaine, Claude | Moche art style in the Santa Valley | 2008 |
Cordy-Collins, Alana | Forensic iconography | 2008 |
Cordy-Collins, Alana | The offering room group | 1997 |
Donnan, Christopher B. | Moche masking traditions | 2008 |
Donnan, Christopher B. | Moche forms for shaping sheet metal | 2008 |
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Hocquenghem, Anne-Marie | Sacrifices and ceremonial calendars in societies of the central Andes | 2008 |
Lechtman, Heather | Copper artifacts from Moche burials at Pacatnamu | 1997 |
McClelland, Donna | Ulluchu | 2008 |
McClelland, Donna | Moche fineline ceramics at Pacatnamu | 1997 |
Millaire, Jean-François | Moche textile production on the Peruvian north coast | 2008 |
Moseley, Michael Edward | Convergent catastrophe and the demise of Dos Cabezas | 2008 |
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Shimada, Izumi | The Moche people | 2008 |
Uceda, Santiago | The priests of the Bicephalus Arc | 2008 |
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