
North Americahunter-gatherers

Publication Date
AnonymousReferences cited1977
Bacon, Glen H.The prehisory of Alaska1977
Bryan, Alan LyleA Prehistoric Athapaskan campsite in northwestern Alberta1975
Clark, Annette McFadyenTrade at the cross roads1977
Clark, Donald WoodfordeTradition summary1999
Clark, Donald WoodfordeArchaeological survey of Great Bear Lake, 19761977
Cook, John P.Archaeology of interior Alaska1975
Derry, David E.Later Apathaskan prehistory1975
Donahue, Paul F.Concerning Athapaskan prehistory in British Columbia1975
Donahue, Paul F.Prehistoric relationships between the Plains, Boreal Forest and Cordillian regions1977
Fowler, William F.Linguistic evidence for Athapaskan prehistory1977
Gordon, Bryan C.Chipewyan prehistory1977
Gordon, Bryan C.Temporal, archaeological and pedological separation of the Barrenland Arctic Small Tool and Taltheilei Traditions1977
Helmer, J. W.Points, people and prehistory1977
Holmes, Charles E.A northern Athapaskan environment system in diachronic perspective1975
Holmes, Charles E.3000 years of prehistory at Minchumina1977
Hosley, Edward H.A Reexamination of the salmon dependence of the Pacific Drainage Culture Athapaskans1977
Janes, Robert R.The Athapaskan and the fur trade1975
Kunz, MichaelAthapaskan/Eskimo interfaces in the central Brooks Range, Alaska1977
Le Blanc, Raymond JosephThe Rat Indian Creek site and the late prehistoric period in the interior northern Yukon1984
McCormack, Patricia AliceA Theoretical approach to northeastern Dene archaeology1975
Noble, William C.The Taltheilei Shale Tradition1977
Reger, Douglas R.Prehistory in the Upper Cook Inlet, Alaska1977
Shinkwin, Anne D.The Dixthada site1975
Shinkwin, Anne D.Dakah de'nin's village and the Dixthada site1979
Shinkwin, Anne D.The 'archaeological visibility' of Northern Athapaskans in the Tanana River area, central Alaska1977
Szathmary, Emöke J. E.Genetic characteristics of Athapaskan-speakers1977
Wilmeth, RoscoeThe Proto-historic and historic Athapaskan occupation of British Columbia1975
Wilmeth, RoscoeChilcotin archaeology1977
Workman, William B.Ahtna archaeology1977
Workman, William B.The prehistory of the southern Tutchone area1977
Yerbury, J. C.Post-contact northeastern Athapaskans1977