
North Americahunter-gatherers

Publication Date
Ackerman, Robert E.The Neolithic-Bronze Age cultures of Asia and the Norton phase of Alaskan prehistory1982
Anderson, Douglas D.Chronology of the Kotzebue Sound sites1986
Clark, Donald WoodfordeHahanudan Lake1977
Clark, Donald WoodfordeFrom just beyond the southern fringe1982
Dumond, Don E.Tradition summary1999
Dumond, Don E.Aspects of time and space1981
Dumond, Don E.Trends and traditions in Alaskan prehistory1982
Dumond, Don E.Brooks River Falls phase1981
Dumond, Don E.Brooks River Weir phase1981
Dumond, Don E.Smelt Creek phase1981
Dumond, Don E.The Norton Tradition9999
Giddings, J. Louis (James Louis)Sites of the Norton culture1964
Giddings, J. Louis (James Louis)The sites1986
Giddings, J. Louis (James Louis)Old Whalers1986
Giddings, J. Louis (James Louis)Later Arctic times1986
Holmes, Charles E.Norton influence in the Alaskan hinterland1982
Larsen, Helge EyvinIpiutak and the Arctic whale hunting culture1948
Larsen, Helge EyvinAn artifactual comparison of finds of Norton and related cultures1982
Lutz, Bruce J.Population pressure and climate as dynamics within the Arctic Small Tool tradition of Alaska1982
Nowak, MichaelThe Norton period of Nunivak Island1982
Reger, DouglasNorton1982
Shaw, Robert DaneThe archaeology of the Manokinak site1997
Shaw, Robert DaneThe Norton interaction sphere1982
Shaw, Robert DaneThe expansion and survival of the Norton tradition on the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta1982
Workman, William B.Beyond the southern frontier1982