
Middle Eastagro-pastoralists

Publication Date
Adams, Robert McCormickConcluding remarks1989
Akkermans, Peter M. M. G.Tradition and social change in northern Mesopotamia during the later fifth and fourth millennium BC1989
Berman, Judith C.The ceramic evidence for sociopolitical organization in 'Ubaid southwestern Iran1994
Berman, Judith C.Ceramic production and its implications for the sociopolitical organization of the Susiana Plain during the late 'Ubaid1989
Breniquet, C. (Catherine)Les origines de la culture d'Obeid en Mésopotamie du nord1989
Coon, Carleton S. (Carleton Stevens)The Eridu crania1981
Downs, DeborahThe human skeletal remains1984
Forest, Jean-DanielLes 'jetons' non urukiens et l'echange des femmes1989
Frifelt, Karen'Ubaid in the gulf area1989
Gillet, J. B.Botanical samples1981
Henrickson, Elizabeth F.Bibliography1989
Henrickson, Elizabeth F.Introduction1989
Henrickson, Elizabeth F.Ceramic evidence for cultural interaction between the 'Ubaid tradition and the central Zagros highlands, western Iran1989
Henrickson, Elizabeth F.Concluding summary1989
Hole, FrankPatterns of burial in the fifth millennium1989
Huot, Jean-Louis'Ubaidian villages of lower Mesopotamia1989
Jasim, Sabah AbboudThe Ubaid period in Iraq1985
Jasim, Sabah AbboudStructure and function in an 'Ubaid village1989
Margueron, JeanArchitecture et société à l'époque d'Obeid1989
Miller, RobertThe flaked stone industries1984
Moon, JaneThe pottery from Tell Madhhur1984
Nissen, Hans JörgThe 'Ubaid period in the context of the early history of the ancient Near East1989
Oates, JoanUbaid Mesopotamia reconsidered1983
Patterson, Thomas C. (Thomas Carl)Pre-state societies and cultural styles in ancient Peru and Mesopotamia1989
Peasnall, BrianTradition summary2009
Roaf, MichaelStratigraphy and architecture1984
Roaf, MichaelSocial organization and social activities at Tell Madhur1989
Safar, Fu'ādEridu1981
Stein, GilEconomy, ritual, and power in 'Ubaid Mesopotamia1994
Thuesen, I.Diffusion of 'Ubaid pottery into western Syria1989
Vértesalji, Peter PaulWere there supralocal cemeteries in southern Mesopotamia in Late Chalcolithic times?1989
Vértesalji, Peter PaulTransitions and transformations of Early Chalcolithic painted pottery in Mesopotamia1989
Watson, Philip J.The small finds from Tell Madhhur1984
Williams, W. ReesGeological notes on rocks, fossils and objects of antiquarian interest excavated from the ruins of Eridu1981