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Bayham, Frank E. | The Picacho Reservoir Archaic Project | 1986 |
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Bayham, Frank E. | The Arroyo site | 1986 |
Bayham, Frank E. | The Lower Bajada sites | 1986 |
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Bayham, Frank E. | Regional patterns of foraging and mobility | 1986 |
Bayham, Frank E. | Episodic use of a marginal environment | 1986 |
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Bayham, Frank E. | Thermoluminescence dates on hearth stones | 1986 |
Bayham, Frank E. | Ground stone data | 1986 |
Bayham, Frank E. | Projectile point data | 1986 |
Bayham, Frank E. | Lithic analyses data | 1986 |
Bayham, Frank E. | Composition of site surface ceramic assemblages, Picacho Reservoir | 1986 |
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Bayham, Frank E. | Macroplant and ethnobotanical data | 1986 |
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Dawson, Peter | Faunal remains from Todsen Cave | 1993 |
Dawson, Peter | Use-wear patterning on expedient tools | 1993 |
Downs, Elinor F. | Organic residues on ancient lithic artifacts from the Las Cruces area of New Mexico | 1993 |
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Hill, David V. | The ceramics of Todsen Cave | 1993 |
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Mabry, Jonathan B. | Introduction | 1997 |
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MacNeish, Richard S. | References | 1998 |
MacNeish, Richard S. | Archaeological field techniques and stratigraphy | 1998 |
MacNeish, Richard S. | Chronology | 1998 |
MacNeish, Richard S. | The way of life of the Pintada cultural phases | 1998 |
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MacNeish, Richard S. | Preliminary investigations of the Archaic in the region of Las Cruces, New Mexico | 1993 |
MacNeish, Richard S. | Carbon 13/12 and nitrogen 15/14 isotope ratios in skeletons from the Jornada area | 1993 |
MacNeish, Richard S. | Reconstruction of the way of life in excavated Jornada sites | 1993 |
MacNeish, Richard S. | The archaic Chihuahua tradition | 1987 |
Morris, Donald H. | The ground stone assemblage | 1986 |
Morris, Donald H. | Picacho Reservoir ceramic period occupation | 1986 |
Most, Rachel | Felsite procurement in the Picacho Mountains | 1986 |
Raymer, Leslie | Macroplant and ethnobotanical studies | 1986 |
Sayles, E. B. (Edwin Booth) | Chiricahua stage | 1983 |
Sayles, E. B. (Edwin Booth) | San Pedro stage | 1983 |
Sayles, E. B. (Edwin Booth) | Early pottery horizon | 1983 |
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Shackley, M. Steven | Formation processes and intrasite variability at the Buried Dune and the Arroyo site, loci D and G | 1986 |
Shackley, M. Steven | Lithic technology and mobility strategies at Picacho | 1986 |
Shackley, M. Steven | Obsidian geochemistry and lithic technology | 1986 |
Smith, R. J. T. | Introduction | 1998 |
Swartz, Deborah L. | The Stone pipe site | 1997 |
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