Middle-Late Desert Archaic

North Americahunter-gatherers

Publication Date
Anderson, SallyArchaic period land use in the Southern Tularosa Basin, New Mexico1993
Bayham, Frank E.References cited1986
Bayham, Frank E.The Picacho Reservoir Archaic Project1986
Bayham, Frank E.The Dune Field sites1986
Bayham, Frank E.The Arroyo site1986
Bayham, Frank E.The Lower Bajada sites1986
Bayham, Frank E.Projectile point classification and Middle Archaic stratigraphic relationships in the Picacho area1986
Bayham, Frank E.Middle Archaic animal utilization in south-central Arizona1986
Bayham, Frank E.Regional patterns of foraging and mobility1986
Bayham, Frank E.Episodic use of a marginal environment1986
Bayham, Frank E.Radiocarbon dates1986
Bayham, Frank E.Thermoluminescence dates on hearth stones1986
Bayham, Frank E.Ground stone data1986
Bayham, Frank E.Projectile point data1986
Bayham, Frank E.Lithic analyses data1986
Bayham, Frank E.Composition of site surface ceramic assemblages, Picacho Reservoir1986
Bayham, Frank E.Palynology data1986
Bayham, Frank E.Macroplant and ethnobotanical data1986
Bayham, Frank E.Faunal analysis data1986
Dawson, PeterFaunal remains from Todsen Cave1993
Dawson, PeterUse-wear patterning on expedient tools1993
Downs, Elinor F.Organic residues on ancient lithic artifacts from the Las Cruces area of New Mexico1993
Gish, Jannifer WyattPalynology of Picacho Reservoir, Arizona1986
Hill, David V.The ceramics of Todsen Cave1993
Mabry, Jonathan B.References cited1997
Mabry, Jonathan B.Introduction1997
Mabry, Jonathan B.The Santa Cruz Bend site1997
MacNeish, Richard S.References1998
MacNeish, Richard S.Archaeological field techniques and stratigraphy1998
MacNeish, Richard S.Chronology1998
MacNeish, Richard S.The way of life of the Pintada cultural phases1998
MacNeish, Richard S.Conclusions1998
MacNeish, Richard S.Preliminary investigations of the Archaic in the region of Las Cruces, New Mexico1993
MacNeish, Richard S.Carbon 13/12 and nitrogen 15/14 isotope ratios in skeletons from the Jornada area1993
MacNeish, Richard S.Reconstruction of the way of life in excavated Jornada sites1993
MacNeish, Richard S.The archaic Chihuahua tradition1987
Morris, Donald H.The ground stone assemblage1986
Morris, Donald H.Picacho Reservoir ceramic period occupation1986
Most, RachelFelsite procurement in the Picacho Mountains1986
Raymer, LeslieMacroplant and ethnobotanical studies1986
Sayles, E. B. (Edwin Booth)Chiricahua stage1983
Sayles, E. B. (Edwin Booth)San Pedro stage1983
Sayles, E. B. (Edwin Booth)Early pottery horizon1983
Sayles, E. B. (Edwin Booth), Archaeological analysis1983
Shackley, M. StevenFormation processes and intrasite variability at the Buried Dune and the Arroyo site, loci D and G1986
Shackley, M. StevenLithic technology and mobility strategies at Picacho1986
Shackley, M. StevenObsidian geochemistry and lithic technology1986
Smith, R. J. T.Introduction1998
Swartz, Deborah L.The Stone pipe site1997
Upham, SteadmanThe evolution of maize in the Jornada region of New Mexico and its implications for the Southwest1993
Waters, Michael R.Geoarchaeological investigations of the Picacho study area1986
Whalen, Michael E.Moving out of the Archaic on the edge of the Southwest1994
Wills, W. H. (Wirt Henry)Tradition Summary2011
Wills, W. H. (Wirt Henry)Early prehistoric agriculture in the American Southwest1988
Wöcherl, HelgaThe Square Hearth site1997