
North Americaintensive agriculturalists

Publication Date
Abbott, David R.Ceramics and community organization among the Hohokam2000
Bahr, Donald M.O'odham traditions about the Hohokam2007
Bayman, JamesArtisans and their crafts in Hohokam society2007
Bennett, Kenneth A.Human skeletal remains1976
Bergh, HughInstrument surveys at Snaketown1976
Birkby, Walter H.Cremated human remains1976
Cable, John S.Pioneer period village structure and settlement pattern in the Phoenix Basin1987
Chenault, Mark L.In defense of the Polvorón phase2000
Ciolek-Torrello, RichardHohokam households, settlement structure, and economy in the Lower Verde Valley2000
Clark, Jeffrey J.Domestic architecture in the early classic period1995
Clark, Jeffrey J.The role of migration in social change1995
Clark, Jeffrey J.A San Pedro Valley perspective on ancestral pueblo migration in the Hohokam world2007
Craig, Douglas B.The social consequences of irrigation agriculture1995
Craig, Douglas B.Raw data used in Meddler Point agricultural productivity analysis1995
Craig, Douglas B.Houses, households, and household organization2007
Craig, Douglas B.The demographic implications of architectural change at the Grewe site2000
Crown, Patricia L.Growing up Hohokam2007
Crown, Patricia L.The role of exchange and interaction in Salt-Gila Basin Hohokam prehistory1991
Cutler, Hugh C.Corn from Snaketown1976
Darling, J. AndrewSongscapes and calendar sticks2007
Dean, Jeffrey S.Thoughts on Hohokam settlement behavior1987
Dean, Jeffrey S.Thoughts on Hohokam chronology1991
Doelle, William H.Rincon phase community reorganization in the Tucson Basin1987
Doelle, William H.Tonto Basin demography in a regional perspective1995
Doelle, William H.Classic period platform mound systems in southern Arizona1995
Doelle, William H.A Method for estimating regional population1995
Doelle, William H.Regional platform mound systems1995
Doelle, William H.Laws, dollars, and scholars2007
Doelle, William H.The changing role of the Tucson Basin in the Hohokam regional system1991
Doyel, David E. (David Elmond)Tradition Summary2010
Doyel, David E. (David Elmond)References1987
Doyel, David E. (David Elmond)The Hohokam village1987
Doyel, David E. (David Elmond)Irrigation, production, and power in Phoenix Basin Hohokam society2007
Doyel, David E. (David Elmond)Prehistoric villages and communities in the Arizona desert2000
Doyel, David E. (David Elmond)Settlement organization at Gila Bend2000
Doyel, David E. (David Elmond)The Santan phase in the Phoenix Basin2000
Doyel, David E. (David Elmond)Hohokam cultural evolution in the Phoenix basin1991
Elson, Mark D.References cited1995
Elson, Mark D.Assessment of chronometric methods and dates1995
Elson, Mark D.Tonto Basin chronology and phase sequence1995
Elson, Mark D.New perspectives on Tonto Basin prehistory1995
Elson, Mark D.Into the earth and up to the sky2007
Elson, Mark D.Southwest platform mounds from an ethnographic perspective2000
Feinman, Gary M.Hohokam archaeology in the eighties1991
Ferg, AlanWestern Apache and Yavapai settlement in the Tonto Basin1995
Ferg, AlanExcavation of a protohistoric Western Apache activity area at the Eagle Ridge site locus D1995
Field, John J. (John Jacob)An evaluation of alluvial fan agriculture1992
Fish, Paul R.Comments on 'The Hohokam Village'1987
Fish, Paul R.The Dairy site1992
Fish, Paul R.Community, territory, and polity2007
Fish, Paul R.The Marana Mound site2000
Fish, Paul R.Hohokam political and social organization1991
Fish, Suzanne K.References1992
Fish, Suzanne K.An introduction to time, place, and research1992
Fish, Suzanne K.Early sedentism and agriculture in the northern Tucson Basin1992
Fish, Suzanne K.Evolution and structure of the Classic period Marana community1992
Fish, Suzanne K.Parameters of agricultural production in the northern Tucson basin1992
Fish, Suzanne K.Evidence for large-scale agave cultivation in the Marana community1992
Fish, Suzanne K.The Marana community in comparative context1992
Fish, Suzanne K.Suggested reading2007
Fish, Suzanne K.The Hohokam millennium2007
Fish, Suzanne K.Maps, chronology, plates2007
Fish, Suzanne K.Civic-territorial organization and the roots of Hohokam complexity2000
Fish, Suzanne K.Desert as context1991
Fish, Suzanne K.Marana sites pollen analysis1987
Fish, Suzanne K.An evaluation of subsistence and specialization at the Marana sites1987
Gasser, Robert E.Food for thought1991
Gell, JonathanThe cartography of Snaketown1976
Gladwin, Harold SterlingBibliography1965
Gladwin, Harold SterlingApproach to the problem1965
Gladwin, Harold SterlingThe Hohokam as of 19341965
Gladwin, Harold SterlingPottery1965
Gladwin, Harold SterlingConclusions1965
Gladwin, Harold SterlingAnalysis of pottery in Mound 291965
Gladwin, NoraPetrography of Snaketown pottery1965
Greene, Jerry L.Faunal study of unworked mammalian bones1976
Gregory, David A.The morphology of platform mounds and the structure of classic period Hohokam sites1987
Gregory, David A.Prehistoric settlement patterns in the eastern Tonto Basin1995
Gregory, David A.Terminology, methodologies for measurement, and comparative data for Tonto Basin architectural units1995
Gumerman, George J.The Hohokam2007
Gumerman, George J.Understanding the Hohokam1991
Harry, Karen G. (Karen Gayle)Community-based craft specialization2000
Haury, Emil W. (Emil Walter)The Hohokam, desert farmers & craftsmen1976
Haury, Emil W. (Emil Walter)Inventory of Snaketown houses1976
Haury, Emil W. (Emil Walter)Catalogue numbers of specimens illustrated1976
Haury, Emil W. (Emil Walter)Comments on symposium papers1987
Haury, Emil W. (Emil Walter)Stratigraphy1965
Haury, Emil W. (Emil Walter)Ball courts1965
Haury, Emil W. (Emil Walter)The Snaketown Canal1965
Haury, Emil W. (Emil Walter)Stone1965
Haury, Emil W. (Emil Walter)Shell1965
Haury, Emil W. (Emil Walter)Bone1965
Haury, Emil W. (Emil Walter)Food1965
Haury, Emil W. (Emil Walter)Minerals and metals1965
Haury, Emil W. (Emil Walter)Pottery types at Snaketown1965
Haury, Emil W. (Emil Walter)Figurines and miscellaneous clay objects1965
Haury, Emil W. (Emil Walter)Skeletal remains1965
Hawley, Fred G.Chemical investigations of the incrustation on pottery vessels and palettes from Snaketown1965
Henderson, T. KathleenThe growth of a Hohokam community1987
Henderson, T. KathleenWhat is going on at the Hohokam village?2000
Henderson, T. KathleenThe northern Tucson Basin research setting1987
Henderson, T. KathleenCeramics, dates, and the growth of the Marana community1987
Howard, Jerry B.The Lehi canal system1987
Howard, Jerry B.Quantitative approaches to spatial patterning in the Hohokam village2000
James, Steven R.Hohokam patterns of faunal exploitation at Muchas Casas1987
Kelly, Isabel TruesdellThe Hodges Ruin1978
Kisselburg, JoAnnSpecialization and differentiation1987
Kisselburg, JoAnnEconomic specialization in the community system at Marana1987
Loendorf, ChristopherSalado burial practices and social organization1998
Lopez, DanielHuhugam2007
Mabry, Jonathan B.The Red Mountain phase and the origins of Hohokam villages2000
McGuire, Randall H.The Hohokam and Mesoamerica2007
McGuire, Randall H.On the outside looking in1991
McKusick, Charmion RandolphAvifauna1976
McLeod, B. H.An examination of the structure of copper bells1965
Miksicek, Charles H.Late Sedentary - Early Classic period Hohokam agriculture1987
Minckley, W. L.Fishes1976
Morris, Donald H.Cremations at the Marana site1987
Neitzel, Jill E.Hohokam material culture and behavior1991
Olsen, Stanley JohnMicro-vertebrates1976
Ravesloot, John C.Changing views of Snaketown in a larger landscape2007
Rice, GlenLa Ciudad1987
Rice, GlenCompounds, villages, and mounds2000
Rice, GlenReferences cited1998
Rice, GlenThe Bureau of Reclamation Archaeological Projects in Tonto Basin1998
Rice, GlenStructuring the temporal dimension for Tonto Basin prehistory1998
Rice, GlenThe setting1998
Rice, GlenArchitecture, settlement types, and settlement complexes1998
Rice, GlenSettlement patterns and subsistence1998
Rice, GlenProduction and exchange of economic goods1998
Rice, GlenOrganization of trade and craft production in a Gila Phase Platform Mound complex1998
Rice, GlenMigration, emulation, and tradition in Tonto Basin prehistory1998
Rice, GlenData appendix tables1998
Rice, GlenReferences cited1987
Rice, GlenInvestigations at a Classic period community complex1987
Rice, GlenFloor assemblages of the Marana community complex1987
Rice, GlenThe Marana community complex1987
Root, William C.The metallurgy of Arizona and New Mexico1965
Sayles, E. B. (Edwin Booth)Houses1965
Sayles, E. B. (Edwin Booth)Disposal of the dead1965
Sayles, E. B. (Edwin Booth)Stone1965
Sayles, E. B. (Edwin Booth)Perishable materials1965
Shackley, M. StevenX-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis of obsidian artifacts from the Marana Hohokam complex1987
Sires, Earl W.Hohokam architectural variability and site structure during the sedentary-classic tradition1987
Stark, Miriam T.Introduction1995
Stark, Miriam T.Commodities and interaction in the prehistoric Tonto1995
Stark, Miriam T.Social boundaries and cultural identity in the Tonto Basin1995
Turner, Christy G.The Salado dentition1998
Turner, Christy G.Physical anthropology synthesis of the Roosevelt Platform Mound study1998
Van Buren, MaryThe archaeology of an agave roasting location1992
Wallace, Henry D.Ceramic accumulation rates and prehistoric Tonto Basin households1995
Wallace, Henry D.Mixture model and additional ceramic data1995
Wallace, Henry D.Hohokam beginnings2007
Waters, Michael R.Geomorphic analysis of Hohokam settlement patterns on alluvial fans along the western flank of the Tortolita Mountains, Arizona1987
Whittlesey, Stephanie MichelleHohokam ceramics, Hohokam beliefs2007
Wilcox, David R.Hohokam ballcourts and their interpretation1983
Wilcox, David R.New models of social structure at the Palo Pardo site1987